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..Paralio Astros

  A few words about our city

Paralio Astros lies on the East of the Peloponnese peninsula covering the coastal region of the Arcadian prefecture on the Argolicos bay. It’s the main summer resort of municipality of North Kynouria .

It’s 4 km. to ( Mesogion ) Astros, 49 km. to Tripolis and 170 km. to Athens, Greece.

The town is gifted with a 10 km. coastal line of one of the most beautiful and clearest beaches in Greece.

The capacity of hotels, room renting services and other facilities is enough to satisfy the visitors.

There is a lovely hill next to the port which looks like a star ( Astros ) where the town owes its name. On top of this hill, there is the castle of the Zafiropoulos family accessible to daily visits by tourists. The view from the top of the hill is breathtaking!!!

To reach this town from Athens, you follow the National Road to Tripolis for 110 km. and at the intersection Sterna, turn left the direction to Argos. After going through the Argos, you continue the old National Road Argos–Tripolis and after 14 km. you turn left and follow the coast line of 15 km. The duration of the trip is 2 to 2 and half hours.




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...CopyRight © 2011 - 2015 by Marina Apartments by MiC Bacalis